C$1$ - перевод на немецкий
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C$1$ - перевод на немецкий

C-format videotape; 1" Type C Videotape; 1" Type C videotape; 1" type C videotape; 1 inch type C videotape
  • 1" type C]]
  • Sony BVH-500 portable VTR with a flying erase head, used to erase video fields (or in this case frames,) individually, for visually clean cuts in editing

n. c, third letter of the English alphabet; ut, musical note; (Computers) programming language C
C language         
  • thumb
  • "Hello, World!" program by [[Brian Kernighan]] (1978)
  • [[Dennis Ritchie]] (right), the inventor of the C programming language, with [[Ken Thompson]]
  • The cover of the book ''The C Programming Language'', first edition, by [[Brian Kernighan]] and [[Dennis Ritchie]]
  • The C Programming Language
  • url-status=live }}</ref>
C language; K and R C; K&R C; C (Programming Language); C programming; K and r c; C (programming); C program; C (computer language); Computer language C; C programing language; C (language); Criticism of the C programming language; C prog; C programming language; C programming language, criticism; Criticism of C (programming language); Criticism of C; C programming Language; .c; C Language; C (programming langage); C (lang); C Programming; C programming language/K and R C; Programming language C; C-programming; C lang; 32/16 bit C programming; C programming language/Evolution; C (software); User:Cortex128/C; History of the C programming language; Data types in C; Memory management in C; C78 (C version)
C Sprache, eine fortgeschrittene Programmiersprache
C++ programming language         
  • Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C++, in his AT&T New Jersey office, {{circa}} 2000
C plus plus programming language; C Plus Plus programming language; Cplusplus; ISO/IEC 14882; CPlusPlus; Object-oriented Abstract Type Hierarchy; C with classes; C-plus-plus programming language; C Plus Plus; C plus plus; C-plus-plus; Rick Mascitti; C++ (programming language); C++ programming language; ISO/IEC 14882:2003; C++ syntax; Cee plus plus; Cee Plus Plus; ++C; ISO 14882; Cxx; .cxx; ANSI C++; C++98; C+++; ISO C++ programming language; ISO C++; C with Classes; Sepples; C++ program; C++ standard; C++ language; X3J16; Standard C++ Foundation; ISO/IEC 14882:2014; ISO/IEC 14882:2015; C++ (Programming Language); Core language; Polymorphism in C++; Operator overloading in C++; History of C++; C++ code; Lambda expressions in C++; C++ 2.0; C++ 1.0; Exception handling in C++; Inheritance in C++; Static polymorphism in C++; C++ syntax and semantics
C Sprache, eine fortgeschrittene Programmiersprache


Watcom C/C++
<language, product> A compiler and development tools for multi-platform, 16 and 32-bit applications. Watcom C/C++ 10.0 has an integrated development environment (IDE) and development tools. It includes the SOMobjects Toolkit to enable access to IBM's System Object Model (SOM) and Distributed System Object Model (DSOM). It supports 16 bit MS DOS, Microsoft Windows 3.x, OS/2 1.x, and 32 bit platforms including extended DOS, OS/2 2.x, Windows NT, Win32s, 32-bit Windows 3.x, Novell NLM and AutoCAD ADS/ADI. (1995-04-18)


Type C videotape

1–inch Type C (designated Type C by SMPTE) is a professional reel-to-reel analog recording helical scan videotape format co-developed and introduced by Ampex and Sony in 1976. It became the replacement in the professional video and broadcast television industries for the then-incumbent 2–inch quadruplex videotape (2–inch Quad for short) open-reel format. Additionally, it replaced the unsuccessful type A format, also invented by Ampex, and, primarily in mainland Europe, it supplemented the type B format, invented by the Fernseh division of Bosch, but it was replaced by type C format also there.

Примеры употребления для C$1$
1. Lebensversicherungen: Neue Steuervorschriften Das Bundesfinanzministerium hat neue steuerrechtliche Details über Lebensversicherungen erlassen, die ab 2005 geschlossen wurden (IV C 1 – S 2252 – 343/05). Demnach sind die Erträge nur zur Hälfte zu versteuern, wenn die Laufzeit mindestens zwölf Jahre beträgt und Sie als Versicherter bei der Auszahlung mindestens 60 Jahre alt sind.